Understanding the need for sensitivity, all operations undertaken by Kingan Forestry comply with the UK Woodland Assurance Standard.
Kingan Forestry understands the need for sensitivity around all types of protected species and habitats.

All operations undertaken by Kingan Forestry comply with the UK Woodland Assurance Standard. We work closely with Historic Scotland, Scottish National Heritage, local council departments and others when undertaking any operations.
We undertake consultation with any and all affected parties and legal entities and ensure that all restrictions are adhered to and that requirements and licences etc are in place.
Timing of operations is programmed to ensure the protection of nesting birds and of mammals such as squirrels and badgers. Any operations involving watercourses undergo prior consultation with up and downstream users (fisheries etc) and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.
image ref: Watercourse protection for timber extraction using log bridge and ditch with triple settlement sumps